We have been busy since we returned to school in January. In SESE we were learning about Winter and so we went on a wonderful winter walk. We read about how to look after birds in winter and set up our own feeders outside our classroom. We have been busy identifying the birds that have arrived with our binoculars. Unfortunately, the more aggressive rooks, hooded crows and starlings are frightening away the robins and tits but we are going to add a peanut feeder and see if that helps the smaller birds.
We used the stage to practice our reader's theatre "The revenge of Granny Hood" We are learning to knit and just like in the story it's Clickety Click in our classroom!
As usual we have done some lovely artwork, which we have displayed outside our classroom.
Communion preparations are underway with weekly input from Fr Seán. It's all go and very busy but it's great fun too!