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Sixth Class
Christmas Festivities
6th class have had a very busy last term particularly in the run up to Christmas. The Christmas festivities kicked off with our annual...
September & October
6th class have had a busy but exciting start to their final year in primary school. Many of the students have spent September and October...
Early Morning Basketball
To start off their school day, 6th class play early morning basketball to wake them up and get them ready for work!!
Carol Singing
6th class had a great time carol singing on Friday. Not only did they sing with great energy and enthusiasm but also helped to raise...
Cork Penny Dinner's Shoebox Appeal
A massive THANK YOU to everyone who donated for our annual Cork Penny Dinners shoebox & giftbag appeal. We are overwhelmed by the support...
6th Class Bakesale
Huge well to 6th for their great work in raising money for Irish Cancer Society. We are proud of them and appreciate the huge effort put...
🟢🔴6th class availed of another great Cork Sport Partnership event today and learned all about orienteering. They took on the challenge...
The boys and girls in 6th class have been learning about the different components of cells and all about animals through our STEAM...
Litter Picking
6th class had a great time out and about helping the Tidy Towns committee. Well done for collecting 5 bags of rubbish #teamwork
Moving On Up 6th Class Talk
Sixth class attended a talk to help them with transferring to secondary school in September. Evan Costigan from 'Brainbox' gave them an...
6th Class Mentors
Last week, 6th class were helping to coach and advise 2nd class for their upcoming 2nd class soccer tournament.
6th Class are Taking Action!
Ms. Deane's 6th class have been studying about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These goals were agreed by 193 countries at the...
Amazing Art!💫
Ms. Deane's 6th class created some wonderful drawings of the amazing animals they were learning about in geography. They used a technique...
Curious Coders
6th class love coding lessons in school! Coding enhances problem solving skills and enables children to think logically, strategically...
Tús maith leath na hoibre!
6th class hit the ground running this September. We zoned in on Space - the solar system and the astronomers who helped to build our...
Budding Scientists in 6th Class
6th class had fun creating models of living cells during their STEAM Science session. They learned about the basic structure of cells and...
Anyone4Science ?
6th class had the pleasure of attending a Binary Code Zoom Workshop with Cian from Anyone4science, in collaboration with the Cork County...
Environmentally Aware
Armed with rubber gloves and litter pickers, the 6th class spent time picking up rubbish around the school grounds, astro and soccer...
The children in Sixth Class celebrated the last day of term and the upcoming Easter holidays with an Easter Cake Decorating Competition....
Pancake Day in 6th Class
Sixth class had a great day filled with pancake themed activities! They completed a maths pancake code breaker activity🔐, wrote out a...
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